Montag, 2. März 2009

Getting started

First off, I have to give kudos to my cousin Pam for infecting me with the blog fever. I have actually been logged on here since 2005, but my lazy ass hasn't posted anything yet. I hope I get someone to read my posts and if not it's still a good way to let off some steam. I won't promise that everything here will be nice or politically correct because I normally say what I feel and don't give a shit if I hurt someones feelings or not.If this bothers you then sue Ok, let's get this thing started.

1 Kommentar:

  1. hey todd. glad i could inspire glad to know someone is actually reading my far so good keep it up...i find reading my friend blog and yours i get a smile on my face. i wish more of my family was computer savy..although dad is trying real hard he is now on myspace and is following my blog also ...add him to your friends and i will send him a link to your ya keep it up...
